Project 4 - Sense of Place

Adoring Vecinos





Artist Statement 
My sense of place is Pamplona, Peru. Spring break of my sophomore year of college was life changing. The sense of place I was trying to portray is the home I found amongst the people of Pamplona. These people, their homes, and welcoming arms are truly what made this place memorable. Choosing five of my three-hundred and forty pictures was harder than I thought it would be, but I truly think these five pictures portray the home I found. The first picture is one I took during our Adoration on the last night we were in Peru. I named it “Adoring Vecinos” because “vecinos” in Spanish means “neighbors”. This is a place I found true peace, sharing my faith with the neighbors. The second photo is of the homes on the side of the mountain where we were working, I love this photo because of the colorful houses patchworked together as well as the immense poverty it shows. The third picture adds on to the place because even though there is great poverty, Da’vid shows the attitude of all the vecinos in Pamplona. I found a great joy there that I have never encountered before. Da’vid was a mischievous little boy who liked to steal my water bottle and sass me, but I miss him dearly. Then the next picture demonstrates the air quality of Peru, and how thick the smog was. Even though the air was bad, it still portrays beauty. My final picture helps to represent the friendship and community we built in Pamplona and the wonderful way we got to love the neighbors through sharing sports together. The place of Pamplona will always have a spot in my heart, and the love I found there will never be matched.

- Aunna Cloos


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